Nava 32, El Perelló (Tarragona)  -  649 372 275  -

iGestions Pack includes a serie of services and digital solutions for your business:

  • Administrative management through the Quipu Platform and App, with which you will discover a new way of managing your business, a comprehensive solution that allows you to control billing, expenses, taxes, treasury and customers in one place.
  • Website where you will show your products and services, with a description of your company, your main products and services, and where potential customers can contact you directly.
  • Own domain and 3 corporate email addresses, to communicate professionally.
  • Creation of a professional account in the main social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn; We will also register your business with the main search engine in the world: Google.

With the Digital Kit all these services will be provided free for 1 year, then the fee will be €35 monthly.